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(UPDATE) added fucko mode mac edition and will soon release fucko mode BIG mac edition. cat still wont move bros i tried brofisting his face and he suddenly moved so i got scared and brofisted him again and his stomach isnt not pumping now :( brofist 

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

so window think it is virus but it not we maded the game and it didnt know teh publisher so yeah. stay sicko mode tho

but dont go sicko mode on ur cat :( (he still wont wake up)

(3 edits)

Fucko Mode is not for the weak and scared. 

This $1 triple A content contains graphic images and swear words like "frick" and "flip"

PS: For us you are not Weak and not Scared :)